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Aim Point's Specialties

Strengthen your bond and navigate challenges together in a safe and supportive space.

Men's Issues

Empower yourself to address men's unique challenges and thrive in all areas of life.

Sex/Porn Addiction

Break free from compulsive behaviors and reclaim control of your life and relationships.

Hi, I am Dan Melear Ph.D, LPCC-S

Feeling stuck, being anxious or depressed, struggling with conflict within and with others, breaking free from unwanted behaviors that are holding you back are issues that many of us have faced. With me, you have a place of respectful privacy and safety to talk about shame, guilt and feelings of powerlessness. It might be from an imbalanced relationship or it might be the incongruities between your values and your behaviors that are the source of discomfort and chaos in your life. Whatever it is, facing the challenges of change can be more hopeful with experienced professional support.

My counselor education includes a specialization in couple and marriage counseling, a dissertation study on relationship repair after infidelity and advanced studies in treating addictions of substance and behavior. I have counseled children, adolescents and adults throughout the lifespan to help them discover their strengths and find peace within.

I work with clients to create a climate of acceptance and understanding, attending to their issues by helping them resource their strengths and values. To attend is about being present, listening to understand, accepting the client as their own autonomous person, while providing the care and support they deserve.

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Go Beyond your Comfort Zone

Find Your Own Truth

Basics of Human Relations

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By Tori Klein November 11, 2019
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By Tori Klein November 11, 2019
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By Tori Klein November 7, 2019
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What type of treatments do you provide? What type of individual do you mostly commonly find in your practice?

My approach to counseling is based on Alfred Adler’s philosophy: behavior is purposive and a person’s wellness is deeply involved in their connection with others. When I talk with clients and they describe a problem that is disrupting their daily functioning, most of the time the problem involves another person. We explore explicit and unspoken expectations, rules of relationships, the basis for the client’s understanding of their own identity and worth, and what their behaviors say about what they believe is important. We explore any incongruences between their behavior, beliefs and values.

In working with couples, I also take an Adlerian-based approach. Additionally, I draw from the Gottman Method of Couple Therapy to conduct an oral history interview, help them evaluate their relationship via the Sound Relationship House model, and help the couple build a foundation of new marital friendship, fondness and admiration. Through that process, I integrate emotion-focused therapy to get down to the destructive forces that are tearing them apart and help the couple heal individually from attachment injuries experienced prior to and during their relationship. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the common obstacles to individuals receiving counseling?

    People tend to be private about their problems. Accepting the fact of being stuck with the same issue for a long time is sometimes hard to do. Men especially tend to have a hard time admitting they need help. Yes, it is the same thing that happens that keeps people who are lost from stopping to ask for directions. That feeling of “I can figure this out myself and I don’t need any help” comes up in personal and relationship issues and not just on road trips. This phenomenon might be more common in men but it is not really a gender issue. Sometimes our faith system says not to go to a counselor. Sometimes the training from our parents taught us to be self-reliant. Feeling shame for needing help is a common obstacle. 

  • Which issues do you consistently see in the sessions you provide?

    With married couples, the most frequent and yet the most challenging issue is some kind of betrayal: infidelity, pornography, financial deceit, addiction, or something else that involves secrets, lies, deception. One partner experiences an emotional injury at the level of a trauma event. 

  • Are there some basic tools you can provide online for people with anxiety, depression etc.?

    Depression and anxiety are the most frequent presenting problems in individual counseling. Whether an individual or a couple engages in online counseling, they will be met with empathy and a willingness to listen. There can be comfort and peace just from a person talking about their problem, their pain, their frustration, while someone listens with empathy. There are a number of techniques that can be implemented to help a client reduce the frequency of symptoms related to depression and anxiety. Homework between sessions can help a client to begin taking back their life (e.g., a day in the life, thought-stopping, deconstructing attributions, perspective taking, etc.).

  • What are common obstacles to individuals receiving counseling?

    The fear of people finding out you are in counseling has been a big barrier, historically. The stigma of being regarded as crazy, as unable to manage daily life, as weak, as unstable, and other diminishing labels keeps many people from seeking help. It is also common that religious and family enculturation has taught a person that to seek counseling means you lack faith or you are an embarrassment to your people. There are also barriers for some people seeking counseling in limited transportation, lack of funds, inability to take time off work, child care, just to name a few examples. Online counseling, using a HIPAA approved electronic platform, provides a high level of privacy, accessibility, and convenience.  

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